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public override EPiServer.Core.PropertyDataType Type
// TODO: Write code that returns the PropertyDataType this property is based on.
When I'm creating a custom property it seems that I must provide the base property type, which is an enumeration of the existing property types in Episerver. But the reason I'm deriving from EPiServer.Core.PropertyData is that I want to create completely new property type not derived from the existing ones. Where is the pint? Am I missing somthing?
Nikolay Raychev
I just wanted to add that i've managed to store a seializable class in a LongString property. Just in case anyone wondered if it would work :)
My code:
Public class yourObject
Functions to store and collect data:
public static string SerializeUsersForPage(List<yourObject> objectList)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(sb);
XmlSerializer seri = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List< yourObject >));
seri.Serialize(sw, objectList);
return sw.ToString() ?? string.Empty;
public static List< yourObject > GetUsersForPage(PageData page)
if (page["yourPropName"] == null)return new List< yourObject >();
string sb = page["yourPropName "] as string;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sb)) return new List< yourObject >();
XmlSerializer s = new XmlSerializer( typeof(List< yourObject >) );
List< yourObject > objectList = (List< yourObject >)s.Deserialize(new StringReader(sb));
return objectList ?? new List< yourObject >();