How to use SearchDataSource ???

Hi, I'm trying to make a free search function for our client's project. I just need functionality that lists search results from all properties marked as "Searchable" on all published pages. I tried to list the results for the word "demonstrates" in a GridView control with enabled AutoGenerateColumns in order just to see what information can be retrieved using the SearchDataSource but that ended with an empty GridView in spite of the fact that one of my published pages contains a property containing the word "demonstrates". I just saw the following example in the forum and modified it a bit. Could you please give me a hint how to make a working example using SearchDataSource in order to see how it works. Again I found no documentation about this EPiSERVER feature. Nikolay Raychev ProPeople
Dec 21, 2007 15:34
There's a working version of a search page in the public template package. The page uses the searchdatasource :) You can download the package from here: -- Lars Øyvind Bodahl
Dec 31, 2007 12:33
Thanks :) Nikolay Raychev ProPeople
Jan 02, 2008 15:09
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