Successfull installation of CMS with SQL server 2000

Since we need to run CMS Rc1 with SQL 2000 and this wont work (installer fails with invalid object error) we came up with this solution to get it running. [NOTE! This fix is provided as is for testing purpose only, it is not in any way supported by EPiServer or us.] 1. Locate the sql script : "C:\Program Files\EPiServer\Manager\Download\Install\EPiServerRelease51.sql" and open it in any text editor. Do not close this file after making the changes.. 2. Locate and comment out these sections: --IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[netFindPageCoreDataByID]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC')) --DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[netFindPageCoreDataByID] --IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[netFindPageCoreDataByPageGuid]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC')) --DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[netFindPageCoreDataByPageGuid] 3. Locate and replace the procedure "dbo.netPagesChangedAfter" with this: CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.netPagesChangedAfter ( @RootID INT, @ChangedAfter DATETIME, @MaxHits INT ) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @SQL VARCHAR(255) SET @SQL = 'SELECT TOP ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, (@MaxHits + 1)) + ' ' + 'tblPageLanguage.fkPageID AS PageID, ' + 'RTRIM(tblPageLanguage.fkLanguageID) AS LanguageID ' + 'FROM ' + 'tblPageLanguage ' + 'INNER JOIN ' + 'tblTree ' + 'ON ' + 'tblPageLanguage.fkPageID=tblTree.fkChildID ' + 'WHERE ' + 'tblPageLanguage.Changed > ''' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, @ChangedAfter) + ''' AND ' + 'tblPageLanguage.PendingPublish=0 AND ' + 'tblTree.fkParentID = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, @RootID) + ' ' + 'ORDER BY ' + 'tblTree.NestingLevel, ' + 'tblPageLanguage.fkPageID, ' + 'tblPageLanguage.Changed DESC ' exec(@SQL) END 4. Now the tricky part, the installer will replace any edited files with freshly downloaded ones.. Remove some of the binaries from "C:\Program Files\EPiServer\Manager\Download\bin" (this forces the manager to download them again, buying us some time to overwrite the sql script). 5. Now hit install and monitor the managers file download progress, as soon as it has passed downloading the EPiServerRelease51.sql script hit save in your text editor to overwrite the script. (tip. when the editor starts downloading binaries it has past the script download and you can hit save). Now it should work.. //Joakim Mähler, Sogeti AB
May 15, 2007 8:47
Hi, this issue has been added to our test matrix. Thanks, Mattias Lövström EPiServer developer
May 15, 2007 12:53
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