RCA images

I've added a new theme to the App_Themes folder and specified theme="red" in the Page directive of my new template. Navigating from viewmode to editmode using the rightclick menu now works fine (resulted in error message in previous version), but the menu is missing its images. The RCA looks for images based on the current theme ( i.e App_Themes/red/Images/Tools/SavePublish.gif ). Shouldn't the RCA look for its images in the Default theme?
Aug 06, 2007 13:46
Thanks for the report. I have added this as: 0047979: If a custom theme has been implemented for a site the images for the right click menu have incorrect links in view mode
Aug 16, 2007 13:50
I just wanted to inform you that this issue has been fixed and will be a part of the RC4 release.
Aug 17, 2007 12:00
Thanks, Linus! ;-)
Aug 17, 2007 14:37
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