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siteSettings element

Hi, in web.config file there is a siteSettings element with a number of attributes up to 1520 chars per line! Is it possible to change this really scary configration line in future releases? It makes comparing changes and editing much harder to do. There is alsways an option to use xml elements instead of attributes. Can you please explain me why do you need to specify the URLs for admin and edit in absolute format like for utilUrl attribute and similar ones? Instead it is possible to just specify utilUrl="~/utilUrl" using relative path and take the rest of the host address from the current request itself. This will make supporting and deploying application much easier. In previous version of EPiServer we created a build that replaced about 14 parameters on each build for deployment in different environment. Thanks, Martin Kulov ProPeople Aps
Jan 07, 2008 15:47
Hi! It is possible to change formatting in Visual Studio to get one attribute per line and that would probably solve your issue. Go to Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> XML -> Formatting and select "Align attributes each on a separate line" Click Edit -> Advanced -> Format Document before you check in your web.config. Regards, Fredrik Haglund [url][/url]
Jan 07, 2008 19:51
Oh yes, and about the new requirement to only allow absolute urls for the UI-folder. We have asked and got the answer that it is by design as a security feature. So it will work to use both and for the same site. You have to choose one of them. Quite annoying if you have a site with several domains... I guess you have to adress that issue through EPiServer's product management. Regards, Fredrik Haglund
Jan 07, 2008 19:58
Hi! Regarding the one line site settings element: In EPiServer 4 we had our own logic to read and write values to/from the web.config file as there was no support for this in asp.NET 1.0. When we rewrote the config handling for EPiServer CMS 5 we used the built in .NET classes for working against config settings. Unfortunately, this always seems to write attributes on the same line. So even though the web.config that is shipped is "nice" it changes line breaks at the first save which is often when you choose default content for your site (as this sets the start page id). We have researched this some but it seems that we are on a dead end when using the built in classes and have therefore decided to let this issue be and put our effort in other areas. We can hope that Microsoft will address this and add formatting settings options in future releases of asp.NET.
Jan 08, 2008 8:55
Thanks Fredrik, What are the possible security implications behind this? I can not think of a sample scenario. "Align attributes each on a separate line" is good one! I will try using it. Thanks Linus, I understand that MS API cause a problem in that case, but why do not you just put all the paramters in XML elements instead of attributes? Martin Kulov ProPeople Aps
Jan 10, 2008 15:53
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