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Errors while Exporting


Hello All,

So! I tried out the export tool on the website and even though it let me export pages and page types to a file, it produced numerous errors as follows:

The following errors have occurred:
Failed to export file Property/JBAS/Small/AlHadheerahsmall.jpg from provider SiteGlobalFiles, reason: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\EPiServerVPP-Translated\Globals\5c\8e\5c8e8da7-3fc8-42c8-bddf-9c6b499a919d.jpg'.
Failed to export file Property/JBAS/Small/al hadeerah video small.bmp from provider SiteGlobalFiles, reason: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\EPiServerVPP-Translated\Globals\07\9f\079f6337-0faa-4c44-b67d-8d4a52b246c2.bmp'.
Failed to export file Property/JBAS/Medium/al hadeerah video medium.bmp from provider SiteGlobalFiles, reason: Could not find file 'D:\EPiServerVPP-Translated\Globals\1b\cd\1bcdff16-71bf-43a6-aecc-704e020bcf94.bmp'.
Failed to export file Property/JBAS/Small/Hadheerah small.JPG from provider SiteGlobalFiles, reason: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\EPiServerVPP-Translated\Globals\55\b2\55b22e69-e136-47e1-9e28-721ac55d7a46.JPG'.
Failed to export file Property/JBAS/Large/Hadheerah.JPG from provider SiteGlobalFiles, reason: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\EPiServerVPP-Translated\Globals\f8\7d\f87d0feb-48f7-4d42-8e81-bcbc1f9f98b7.JPG'.
Failed to export file Property/JBAS/Flash/HADHEERAH WEB BANNER.JPG from provider SiteGlobalFiles, reason: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\EPiServerVPP-Translated\Globals\f8\07\f807cd7f-47a1-4bdc-b8ca-c5b27578869b.JPG'.
Failed to export file Property/JBAS/Flash/Masala Banner.gif from provider SiteGlobalFiles, reason: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\EPiServerVPP-Translated\Globals\eb\e8\ebe8201b-9ae0-4081-8425-c4d1ae6cdc0b.gif'.
Failed to export file Property/JBAS/Large/Ya Hala_med.jpg from provider SiteGlobalFiles, reason: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\EPiServerVPP-Translated\Globals\ec\8d\ec8d4f0f-443c-49c7-9a53-e38f900481eb.jpg'.
Failed to export file Property/JBAS/Small/Wedding back_drop small.jpg from provider SiteGlobalFiles, reason: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\EPiServerVPP-Translated\Globals\f0\4d\f04d86f2-4f8e-4fb5-815b-2d45e24780df.jpg'.
Failed to export file Property/JBAS/Medium/Wedding back_drop medium.jpg from provider SiteGlobalFiles, reason: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\EPiServerVPP-Translated\Globals\b2\20\b2206848-9bea-4838-ab86-0de0e5c2e4d0.jpg'.
Failed to export file Property/JBAS/Large/Bride and Groom large.jpg from provider SiteGlobalFiles, reason: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\EPiServerVPP-Translated\Globals\79\87\79876ed3-7b9d-4877-bf56-83ba70b6a241.jpg'.
Failed to export file Property/JBAS/Flash/Wedding back_drop flash.jpg from provider SiteGlobalFiles, reason: Could not find file 'D:\EPiServerVPP-Translated\Globals\bf\b8\bfb884f9-6610-4538-9906-5df56cd81b6b.jpg'.
Failed to export file Property/JBAS/Small/bride and groom 1 small.jpg from provider SiteGlobalFiles, reason: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\EPiServerVPP-Translated\Globals\f3\57\f357ece4-7a7e-4e1a-8bb9-e008c757f672.jpg'.
Failed to export file Property/JBAS/Medium/bride and groom 1 medium.jpg from provider SiteGlobalFiles, reason: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\EPiServerVPP-Translated\Globals\4c\71\4c71b11d-596c-467d-ab6c-2cad14786f7a.jpg'.
Failed to export file Property/JBAS/Large/Dress large.jpg from provider SiteGlobalFiles, reason: Could not find file 'D:\EPiServerVPP-Translated\Globals\d2\7d\d27d7a94-7542-4a18-83ed-b72b9645546e.jpg'.
Failed to export file Property/JBAS/Flash/Wedding brochure portrait 3 flash.jpg from provider SiteGlobalFiles, reason: Could not find file 'D:\EPiServerVPP-Translated\Globals\a1\67\a1676bd0-2d9e-459c-a14d-27ccbd3a22d7.jpg'.
Failed to export file Property/JBAS/Small/Flowers small.jpg from provider SiteGlobalFiles, reason: Could not find file 'D:\EPiServerVPP-Translated\Globals\5b\de\5bdeb547-d346-4aa7-beff-fcf1e2c2ad3d.jpg'.
Failed to export file Property/JBAS/Medium/Flowers medium.jpg from provider SiteGlobalFiles, reason: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\EPiServerVPP-Translated\Globals\e1\38\e138eabf-dc20-45e2-a28e-0ed4fdcd5b93.jpg'.
Failed to export file Property/JBAS/Large/bride large.jpg from provider SiteGlobalFiles, reason: Could not find file 'D:\EPiServerVPP-Translated\Globals\21\72\2172566d-d040-4981-bd90-fc0c05c299ee.jpg'.
Failed to export file Property/JBAS/Flash/Flowers flash.jpg from provider SiteGlobalFiles, reason: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\EPiServerVPP-Translated\Globals\76\a7\76a731bb-b0b9-465c-bc50-8b8c33e29b41.jpg'.
Failed to export file Property/JBAS/Small/venue small.JPG from provider SiteGlobalFiles, reason: Could not find file 'D:\EPiServerVPP-Translated\Globals\51\99\5199956a-231d-49fc-ae97-05e23cf36621.JPG'.
Failed to export file Property/JBAS/Medium/venue medium.JPG from provider SiteGlobalFiles, reason: Could not find file 'D:\EPiServerVPP-Translated\Globals\93\e0\93e0765c-d2f0-4e9d-bb38-62efe9a67b9e.JPG'.
Failed to export file Property/JBAS/Flash/venue 980x473.JPG from provider SiteGlobalFiles, reason: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\EPiServerVPP-Translated\Globals\37\e3\37e34e27-4ac0-4e6c-82f8-a8f86c41d351.JPG'.
Failed to export file Flash/TheResorts/Ramadan/babalshams.swf from provider SiteGlobalFiles, reason: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\EPiServerVPP-Translated\Globals\e6\60\e6601fef-26f2-4a77-8b39-e8304d7906cd.swf'.
Failed to export file Property/JBAS/Small/al forsan buffet small.jpg from provider SiteGlobalFiles, reason: Could not find file 'D:\EPiServerVPP-Translated\Globals\a5\b1\a5b10723-fc42-47eb-b1cd-02e1271c9480.jpg'.
Failed to export file Property/JBAS/Medium/JBAS AL FORSAN medium.jpg from provider SiteGlobalFiles, reason: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\EPiServerVPP-Translated\Globals\28\2c\282c4f47-7068-463f-917d-e1154e97da04.jpg'.
Failed to export file Property/JBAS/Small/JBAS AL HADHEERAH small.jpg from provider SiteGlobalFiles, reason: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\EPiServerVPP-Translated\Globals\de\0c\de0c7fd3-f57a-43ce-ac28-afa74337483a.jpg'.
Failed to export file Property/JBAS/Medium/JBAS AL HADHEERAH medium.jpg from provider SiteGlobalFiles, reason: Could not find file 'D:\EPiServerVPP-Translated\Globals\46\d5\46d527d5-563b-43c7-ae5c-3864f4bbd3cd.jpg'.
Failed to export file Property/JBAS/Large/JBAS AL HADHEERAH RESTAURANT large.jpg from provider SiteGlobalFiles, reason: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\EPiServerVPP-Translated\Globals\52\e3\52e3420e-a43c-462a-b383-aee77e7cc113.jpg'.
Failed to export file Property/JBAS/Flash/JBAS AL HADHEERAH flash.jpg from provider SiteGlobalFiles, reason: Could not find file 'D:\EPiServerVPP-Translated\Globals\04\87\0487c9b6-a8ad-47dc-879b-bf0e811ddc71.jpg'.
Failed to export file Property/JBAS/Small/JBAS AL SARAB ROOFTOP LOUNGE small.jpg from provider SiteGlobalFiles, reason: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\EPiServerVPP-Translated\Globals\23\76\2376eaff-c9fa-4857-b78e-705818fc2674.jpg'.
Failed to export file Property/JBAS/Medium/JBAS AL SARAB ROOFTOP LOUNGE medium.jpg from provider SiteGlobalFiles, reason: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\EPiServerVPP-Translated\Globals\45\61\4561c3e5-2fbb-4371-aa09-76c55bdceae4.jpg'.
Failed to export file Property/JBAS/Flash/JBAS AL SARAB ROOFTOP LOUNGE 980x370.jpg from provider SiteGlobalFiles, reason: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\EPiServerVPP-Translated\Globals\e1\ea\e1ea235d-9b99-41a1-a23c-c4bc631bc1bc.jpg'.
Failed to export file Property/JBAS/Small/NYE small.jpg from provider SiteGlobalFiles, reason: Could not find file 'D:\EPiServerVPP-Translated\Globals\38\25\3825d74a-028e-4453-85ca-f12ccb295e8f.jpg'.
Failed to export file Property/JBAS/Medium/NYE medium.jpg from provider SiteGlobalFiles, reason: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\EPiServerVPP-Translated\Globals\19\59\19599ea2-24fa-4043-9d9f-9cc5a6c78119.jpg'.

Now I have checked for the mentioned files in the paths for eg: 'D:\EPiServerVPP-Translated\Globals\5c\8e\5c8e8da7-3fc8-42c8-bddf-9c6b499a919d.jpg'

In the above case the folder '8e' does not exist in the specified path, which leads me to believe that these may be references to images that may have been deleted some time ago.

Is there a tool that can parse through the site structure and clear up these dead links or is there a way that I can ignore these links?

Thanks for any help



Dec 19, 2010 5:53

They are all references to missing files. Are you running the tool from the server, or your local machine? If you are running it on the server, you are most likely right in your assumption that the files have been deleted without updating the links in the pages.

EPiServer 5 does not include a link scanning tool, (EPi 6 does) but you could try a free tool from Epicode: LinkDetective (it will not work on LARGE sites)

Dec 20, 2010 9:29
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