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I downloaded the "Windows Driver Kit Version 7.1.0" (
I installed the debugger tools and ran "symchk" with the following command file "Symchk.cmd".
SET SYMCHK_PATH="C:\WinDDK\7600.16385.1\Debuggers\symchk.exe"
SET DLL_PATH="C:\Program\EPiServer"
I run a swedish system thats why the "C:\Program" directory. This command gets all symbols (pdb's) available. Symchk goes through the "DLL_PATH" and try to get symbols for all dll's and exe's, in this directory and it's subdirecories, from the symbolserver.
In my case the symbols are saved in "D:\Symbols".
So my conclusion is that not all pdb-versions are on the server because the command reports alot of failures (mismatched or not found).
Hope this can help someone.
EPiServer 5.2.375.236
I have followed the instructions from: and from
But the EPiServer pdb's are not loaded. The only thing that loads in my pdb-cache directory is "EPiServer.Providers.Oracle.pdb" and a "pingme.txt". That means that my settings are correct as I see it.
Do the pdb's for version 5.2.375.236 exist on
Can someone help? I cant debug with symbols. I want to do a performance test with "ANTS Performance Profiler" and need the pdb's.
Regards Hans