

Hello, I'm trying to get a list of the 5 latest logged in to the community including the current user that just logged in.

The usercollection that you get with GetLastLogins seems to be cached and even though I set "TimeOutCheckInterval" in OnlineStatus.config to a very low number. I upload the new version of onlinestatus.config and a new version of the web.config and refreshing the first time I get a refreshed collection but after that it doesn't refresh anymore.

Default was set to 60000 milliseconds, i've tested down to 6 ms and there is no difference.

Have I missed something?



Nov 03, 2008 15:02

Kanskje du må sette en eller annen verdi for cachen når en bruker logger seg på, som oppretter en ny cache verdi for GetLastLogins cache nøkkel/verdien. ?

Nov 04, 2008 16:26
This thread is locked and should be used for reference only. Please use the Legacy add-ons forum to open new discussions.
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.