Retrieving/specifiying a poll on a page



I want a community user to be able to choose a poll to be shown on their club homepage/site homepage.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how this could be achieved? I have done a lot of EPiServer sites and am used to having a property/page link that the user would specify/edit. Is the same appraoch best practice within community?

Thanks a lot



Jan 18, 2010 18:56


If the page is a landing page and therefore not displaying a particular Club's info I'd create an EPiServer CMS property control to hold the value for that page.

For a particular club info page I'd probably go about doing this either by creating an attribute on the Club holding the chosen Poll and then display it on the club homepage. This attribute could then be part of your "edit club" UI where you allow the club owner to edit a club's details.

Second option is to use the "Polls" property on the Club class to hold a series of polls, and then set only the Poll you want on the club info page to IsActive = True. When loading the club you simply retrieve the Poll that is active from the list. If you don't require archiving of polls you could perhaps just hold one poll in the list and always display that one.



Feb 02, 2010 15:55


U Rock

Feb 08, 2010 18:20
May 04, 2010 20:54
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