Installing Composer 3.2.6 on Existing CMS 5 R2 SP2 complaining about componentart license


Hi Guys,

I am trying to install composer for my existing project. I installed it as described in the installation manual and also some forum entry.

Now i got this error 

ComponentArt Dropit.MultiPage :: Unlicensed version. 

This version is licensed for single application use only. 

You can download the free trial version here.


I tried almost everything i can think of with the license files. 

- Copied license file to dropit/license with original name and/or name Extension3License.config

- Copied the license file to the root of my web app

- Downloaded create+ enterprise license and cms 5 enterprise license. And copied them around.


Also tried some configuration settings with componentart coz it seems like the componentart is the one who is complaining about license.

I deleted all other componentart entries in the web.config also deleted the componentart dlls that  i am using from the bin dir.

Still the same error. It somehow looks like the composer it self is properly installed but componentart thinks that i have more than one instance. (I only have one instance now, one app pool and one website)

Any ideas? 

Thanks a lot

Mar 02, 2011 16:41


Have seen this error once when trying to install 3.2.5. A IISRESET did the trick. Have you tried that ?

It's also mentioned in installation instructions for Create+1.1


Mar 02, 2011 17:08

Hi there,

Everytime i put a new license i did IISReset and it does not work. I will try now just restarting the pc.

Btw i tried install new clean installation and it works fine :( just that it doesn't work with my existing project which is too big already.

Mar 03, 2011 10:18

I have the exact same problem but with a recent upgrade from EPiServer 5.2 to 6.0 following with an install of Composer 4. Can i ask what 3rd party component you might have in the specific project?

  • PageTypeBuilder?
  • Structuremap og other DI container?
  • EPiCode.Extensions
  • ABCPdf?
  • NHibernate?
  • Fluent NHibernate
  • Castle?
  • Other 3rd party?



Mar 14, 2011 16:40

I've seen some configurations of IIS complain when having multiple sites running on the single IIS instance. I don't know if this is because each site should request its own unique license - not share the same.  This applies perhaps even with the same site but different versions - because EPiServer cannot tell that the other site in IIS contains the same code as the other. 

In any case, ensure there is only one site using each issued license at any one time. Please note: stopping a site is not enough.

Mar 26, 2011 23:08

Well i actually forgot to post here after i solved the puzzle. I had an extensive dialog with EPiServer support, but after 2½ days of investigation myself i finally tracked down the problem, with the help of Reflector pro. 

Composer needs the HttpContext.Current initialized under its initialization (EPiServer initialization), to set some license key in application variables. On IIS6 and Cassini (VS's built in web server), you need to specify the Application_Start method in Global.asax for the HttpContext.Current to be initialized when EPiServer does its initialization. The method does not need to do anything, it just needs to sit there :) What i don't understand ... is why noone else has had this problem, but my guess is that most EPiServer 6 with Composer sites must be built on top of the demotemplates (where this method is implemented in global.asax).


Mar 28, 2011 8:21

I did also forgot to post the solution here, after also intensive mailing to support it turns out when installing on existing site the setup of composer didn't a line of configuration to the webconfig.

Below is the mail from episerver solution

Finally, I think the reason is lacking of this line <add name="Dropit.Extension" type="Dropit.Extension.Handlers.HttpModule, Dropit.Extension" />

in the <system.web><httpModules> root node of the web.config. Normally, when install composer to a brand new site, this line is added automatically, but with an existing site which has some custom plug-ins (your case) this line was not added. You should try to add this line, reset the IIS then checking the issue before do anything else. Hope this help to resolve the issue.


Mar 28, 2011 9:46

Thanks for the solution Palle! Works a treat! Have been banging heads on this one for a couple of weeks now, we knew it was related tot eh Context being empty, but didn't come up with that.

Apr 04, 2011 3:10
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