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Speed of first run after re-compiling RelatePlus package


I understand that after compiling a project, the first run is typically a little slow as .Net will recompile the project...  However, on recompilation of the RelatePlus package with any additional changes I have made the first page load is something like 4 or 5minutes.

Although this doesn't seem like a lot, throughout a day of developing, a number of recompilations it can be a little annoying.  Is anyone else experiencing this?  Do these times seem a little bit on the high side?  Anyone heard of this or know of any recommendations to help speed things up?


Jan 21, 2009 16:10


that is a little bit too long... :-)

I think you have to analyze the problem a bit in detail to find the bottleneck.

  1. How is your other .net projects working on your computer.
  2. Where is it spending time?
    - e.g. sql or .net?
    - Try sql profiler to see what is happening,
    - and/or for example dotTrace from
  3. How is your environment setup? E.g. Is the sql database on your local machine or at some other server. Whats the load on it?
  4. Where did you put the community imagefolder? A tip is to run fiddler and check the response time.

That's all I can think of right now. Good luck.

Jan 21, 2009 22:00


Thanks for the pointers....  i'll take a look and post back if I work out what it is

Jan 23, 2009 18:01
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