WYSIWYG editor , Email updates , RSS feeds in Relate+



We're currently evaluating Relate+ for a social networking solution.
I would be really obliged if someone could confirm if we have the following features available in Relate+  :

1) Do we have support for a WYSIWYG editor for editing blog and forum entries ?

2) Is there any way we could setup email updates for people who have subscribed when:
      a) a new article is posted on a blog.
      b) a new topic is posted in a forum / community

3)  Is it possible to expose a blog ( is it an out of box feature? ) in Realte+ as an RSS feed ..?

4)  Is there any facility to setup instant messaging ( IM) in Relate+.

Thanks in advance.


Dec 17, 2009 15:31

I would love answers to these questions aswell!


Mar 15, 2010 8:38

To bad this never got a reply... I'm investigating this too... these "obvious" features that are in a lot of packages seem to be MIA in EpiServers Realte+ ... not done investigating yet, maybe somebody wrote a module for it or I've been looking for it in the wrong places.

Apr 01, 2010 16:48

Any update on this?



Jun 11, 2010 11:33

1) Do we have support for a WYSIWYG editor for editing blog and forum entries ?

You can setup TinyMce to work with the new blogentry, topic etc popups. It's not out of the box and might take you a few hours to setup if you're not familiar with tinymce. It works like a charm for me. =)

2) Is there any way we could setup email updates for people who have subscribed when:
      a) a new article is posted on a blog.
      b) a new topic is posted in a forum / community

Answer: Not out of the box. But I have done this to blogs and forum topics with the help of attributes.
Read this post and do the same for the blog (Not blog entry as you want the user to subscribe to someones blog. But I guess you could subscribe to blog comments aswell, then you would apply the same method to blog entries)

3)  Is it possible to expose a blog ( is it an out of box feature? ) in Realte+ as an RSS feed ..?

It is, however not out of the box. What you do is creating Feedsources for the diffrent pages (blogs, topics etc). You modify the relate+ pagebase with a way of getting and setting feedsource and in your topic.aspx.cs file you specify what sort of source the FeedSource object will have. For topics this would be a MessageCollection. Then you have a method in the pagebase.cs that writes the RSS if you have "?rss=rss" or similar in the querystring. The method would have access to the feedsource and what type of source it is and render the rss diffrently if it is a topic or a blog or a page or a commentcollection.

Basically like this:

First specify in your page that you want to make an rss out of what sort of feedsource the page has.

/// Send Feedsource to PageBase from Blogs.aspx.cs

protected override Object FeedSource{
get {
/ Get the blog entries to show
int totalItems;
int page = 1; //First page in paged result
int numOfReplies = 20;
FeedTitle = "Title of feed for WriteRssmethod"
FeedDescription = "Description of feed for WriteRssmethod"
EntryCollection entries = BlogHandler.GetEntries(BlogType.UserBlog, page, numOfReplies,out totalItems,new EntrySortOrder(EntrySortField.Created, SortingDirection.Descending));
return entries;

Then in pageBase class you put following;

// The collection used for creating items for the feed. In this the base version, it is an empty collection. Pages that inherit from this should override this property to define a relevant source for the feeds. ///

protected virtual Object FeedSource {
    get {return new PageDataCollection();}

Finally create the method that writes the rss if link is "blogs.aspx?rss=rss" In it you can check wheter the Feedsource is blogcomments or topics or replies etc;


(FeedSource is MessageCollection)
     then write the rssfeed this way
else if (FeedSource is EntryCollection)
     then write it this way

etc, etc =)


4)  Is there any facility to setup instant messaging ( IM) in Relate+.

I think you might need to build this yourself aswell. =)

Feel free to contact me if you have questions =)

/Jens Pettersson

Edited, Jun 11, 2010 13:23
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