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Service API to support versioning


We require an extension of the current Service API for Epi Commerce to allow for the versioning of products, SKUs and categories.

On update of an object, we need the ability to:

  • Choice to update an existing draft if one exists
  • Choice to create a new draft from the last published version
  • Ability to see all changes by CMS users and integration side by side in the Version History
Mar 05, 2018 2:24

We actually have a plan to move ServiceAPi to use content APIs internally, but that takes time and has not been prioritized, so it will take some time. I.e. it will not be implemented any time soon

Mar 05, 2018 7:36

Hello Quan Mai,

Thank you for the feedback. We can appreciate that this will not be a quick change.

Do you have a high level timeline?  We have a customer (a large automotive brand) who has implemented a Service API solution, but require the versioning functionality for legal reasons, especially with eCommerce.  A timeline will indicate to us whether they will have to invest in a workaround / temporary solution until Episerver prioritizes this feature.

Mar 06, 2018 1:22


I'm not the one who can decide when we do something, but my personal estimation is you should implement your workaround for the time being. Based on the specific scenario you requested to support service, it can be a fairly small implementation. 

Mar 06, 2018 7:09
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