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Trying to install PortalTemplates in 4.61

Hello, I've just installed EPiServer 4.61 on my machine and now I want to setup the PortalTemplates as content. When doing that I run into trouble, I've chosen Portal Templates under "Select content" and English as "System language" but after clicking on Complete installation I get a message saying "Page type Ordinary web page cannot be found locally". Has anyone else run into this problem? /Martin
Oct 24, 2006 15:32
I have also come across this, any suggestions anyone? /Jonas
Nov 23, 2006 16:30
The portal templates require that the "normal" templates have been imported. So after installing the templates for .NET 2.0 you must import one of the content packages, for instance English sample content (which defines "Ordinary web page"). When this is done you can import portal templates. The reason for having a separate package for the portal content is that the normal package i used in both 1.1 and 2.0 scenarios and the portal templates can only be used under 2.0. .f
Nov 24, 2006 10:07
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