Ben  McKernan
Apr 18, 2013
(2 votes)

Changes to the module.config for EPiServer 7.1

I’ve seen on the forum that there have been several people having issues running their custom dojo code after the EPiServer 7.1 update. So I thought I’d mention these issues, their cause and the solution.

Required Resources Key Changed for CMS

So I’ve demonstrated in previous blog posts that it’s possible to initialize a module without having a component. This was done by using a little trick to add an initializer script to the required resources for CMS by adding the following to your module.config file.

  <add name="epi.cms.widgets.base" path="initialize.js" resourceType="Script" />

With the upgrade to dojo 1.8.3 we changed the dojo package name for CMS to be epi-cms. This is due to the fact that dojo has made changes in their loader which means that dot or slash separated package names are no longer supported. To be consistent with our naming we also changed the key for required resources. So the following are now the required resource keys:

EPiServer 7: epi.cms.widgets.base

EPiServer 7.1: epi-cms.widgets.base

JavaScript Package Naming

As mentioned previously dojo have changed their loader to be fully AMD compliant and as such dot or slash separated names are no longer supported. For example the following is no longer supported:

  <add name="my.addon" path="scripts/addon" />

My suggestion if you are in this situation is to change the delimiter from dot or slash to be a dash instead. Meaning that in the above example the package name would instead be my-addon.

Hopefully this helps anybody who runs into similar issues!

Apr 18, 2013


Mike Cockrell
Mike Cockrell Apr 18, 2013 03:41 PM

Great post Ben, hopefully this will solve other UI modder's problems!

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