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Jun 22, 2011
(7 votes)

Use .se and .com adresses without an enterprise license, EPiServerFramework.config to the rescue.

Yesterday I came across some features in EPiServer that i had not noticed before. We had a discussionen if we should use an enterprise solution or a site with globalization enabled.

In EPiServer CMS 6 we thougt it would be nice to use the new features for globalization like access rights for languages. But how could we solve the issue of having the same adress for all our languages but with the /sv or /en at the end for diffrent languages.

Have a look at and and you will se what I do not like to have Ler In my case I would like to have and without a redirect to for the swedish content. I also would like to have the same structure and no enterprise license.

The solution is to start use the EPiServerFramework.config file. First we need to setup the IIS. Add you diffrent site bindings for the site in my case i use and for a standard Alloysite.



When you are done with that you have to change your host-file, if you are working locally of course..

Next you change the episerver.config to respond on in the siteUrl. Finally we need to do the magic in EPiServerFramework.config.

The changes that you will need to do look like this:

  <siteHosts siteId="Alloy">
    <add name="*" />
    <add name="" />
    <add name="" language="sv" />
That’s all we need to do. Now we can go to and see the swedish content and for the english content without an enterprise enabled EPiServer CMS website.




If this solution is ok or not regarding licenses is something for someone else to answer Ler


Update: The configuration made in the EPiServerFramework.config is able to do in Admin mode > config > [click the siteID]. Thank you David Knipe Ler

Jun 22, 2011


Jun 22, 2011 05:44 PM

This should be fine with a standard professional license as long as you have the same start page (just translated into different languages).

The configuration change can also be made in Admin Mode > Config > [Click the site ID]. Obviously you'll still need to configure IIS appropriately!

Eric Jun 23, 2011 10:32 AM

Ah nice had forgot that it was possible todo it in admin mode :)

Jun 23, 2011 12:44 PM

David Knipe: When did Episerver change this ? I'm pretty sure you'r wrong here.

This requires two standard professional licens, one for .com, and one for .se.

Eg ->Redirect to ->Redirect to >Redirect to

ONE standard professional licens

Eg (stays in browser, (stays in browser, (stays in browser,

Three standard professional licens, one initial, and 2 addons.

Jun 23, 2011 03:23 PM

@Eric: Great blog post - and very useful. This is one of the lesser known features of the product - but an important step to deal with globalization and multilingual content.

Since there has been some license concerns in the comments I just thought I'd clarify with a quote from the EULA:
" The license is valid for one (1) EPiServer application, site or one virtual directory within Internet Information Services (”IIS”)."

This means, that as long as you are running this in one IIS Site / Virtual Directory you can assign as many domains as you want - and setup different language handling for them by using our globalization features.

An easy way to think of it is that 1 site has one start page - but that page can be served in different languages. In fact, with CMS 6.0 we tried to clarify this in the product by actually splitting up the configuration for sites into a separate area where you can also define multiple domains pointing to different languages.

Eric Jun 23, 2011 07:46 PM

@Allan thank you, did not know about this until we tested :) and now we can recommend our client this concept instead of bying a enterprise license ;) at least they do not need an enterprise at the moment..

Debasish Banerjee
Debasish Banerjee Dec 5, 2011 09:06 AM

Nice solution for skipping Enterprise license just for pointing to different languages

Shella Cabatbat-Rivera
Shella Cabatbat-Rivera Nov 22, 2012 04:42 AM

This might be a very late question regarding this.
We implemented the localization-based site bindings on one of our sites.

However, with the latest Browser security updates, the the CMS Edit Mode dialogs (such as Page Reference Popup, etc) fail for the sites not defined as the siteUrl due to 'Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL' and/or 'Permission denied to access property 'EPiOpenedDialog'.

Is there a way to resolve this?

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