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Johan Björnfot
Aug 18, 2011
(2 votes)

Source code for the CMS6R2 built in workflows

EPiServer CMS6 R2 is shipped with four built in workflows (the same workflows that has been shipped with CMS since version 5). The workflows that are built in are two variants of page approval workflows, on request for feedback workflow and one request for translation workflow.

We share the source code for the built in workflows both so partners can change the behavior of the workflows and also serve as an inspiration for your own implementations.

Here is the source code for the CMS 6R2 versions of the workflows.

In the old post where the CMS5 versions of the source code where shared there is also a document that describes how to deploy them to a site. That document is still valid except for some namespace changes.

Aug 18, 2011


Aug 18, 2011 02:36 PM

Nice! Thanks for posting an update. :) Aug 18, 2011 04:37 PM

Just wanted to supplement this with a link to Mark Everard's blog where he shows you how to create custom workflows for EPiServer CMS:

Ateeq pasha
Ateeq pasha Dec 11, 2012 08:10 AM

Can you please let me know how to integrate the workflow in existing Episerver CMS R2.

Following things I Changed.
1) in EPiserver.config file.

name="Sequential Approval_New" description="A sequential approval workflow for pages _New" />

2) Uploaded Dll files in the bin folder.
3) Able to view the Workflow, but when triggering. getting the below error in start parameter.

Could not load the given control from/util/WorkflowsUI/WorkflowApprovalStart.ascx:Unknown server tag 'EPiServerWorkflow:History'.

Thanks in advance.

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