Hoang Tran Minh

Hoang Tran

 Alias: Hoang Tran Minh
 Company: Niteco AB, Or Niteco Group Ltd (Vietnam)
 Location: Vietnam

CRP Information

Level: Novice
Total contribution points: 25 (gain 25 points more to level up)

Score Distribution

Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 28, 2015

Recently I worked on a project with a special need, that is to merge two similar EPiServer CMS 6R2 sites into one CMS. Legacy content are mostly...

Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 02, 2015

For anyone that have not heard about Ajaxify plugin before, please go here , it's a small plugin that transform links on your website into ajax...

Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 01, 2015

Recently I came across an Azure based web application project, and the team is having a strange bug that their end users always get logged out afte...

Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 09, 2015

We have a client website in EPiSever CMS 6 R2 that have run smoothly for a long time, and after a recent release, sometime we got a call from edito...

Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 09, 2015

Target readers : EPiServer developer that is new to EPiServer CMS 8, or new to developing custom property in EPiServer CMS with Dojo widgets. Or if...

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