Miroslaw Jedynak

Miroslaw Jedynak

 Alias: Miroslaw Jedynak
 Company: Forte Digital AS
 Location: Norway

CRP Information

Level: Citizen
Total contribution points: 235 (gain 140 points more to level up)

Score Distribution

Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 22, 2013

Piotr Dela from Making Waves created Geo Point Picker property for EPiServer7 GeoPicker property is based on Google Maps API and provides a rich...

Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 19, 2013

Recently Making Waves released OpenWaves.EPiServer.Localization NuGet package. It provides strongly typed access to EPiServer lang. Now you can use...

Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 19, 2013

Recently Making Waves released OpenWaves.EPiServer.Localization NuGet package. It provides strongly typed access to EPiServer lang. Now you can use...

Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 04, 2011

Recently Making Waves has published Mobile Url Rewriting module on EPiCode. It’s friendly Url engine, which translates incoming Url, so it points t...

Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 21, 2011

In this post I will present how to create initial version of edit control for Guid property, which was introduced in previous posts. Writing custom...

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