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Level: Citizen
Total contribution points: 145 (gain 230 points more to level up)

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Posted on: Sep 28, 2010

Google Mini can provide a low-cost alternative to Lucene-based searching in EPiServer. Although its text-based search is simple and powerful, the...

Posted on: Jun 16, 2010

Claims and federated security are increasingly big news in enterprise architectures that seek to implement single sign-on across different domains...

Posted on: Feb 12, 2010

Dublin Core is in heavy use in the UK public sector – anybody who has had to complete an RFP document for a UK public sector customer will be...

Posted on: Nov 09, 2009

Here’s my entry for the EPiServer gadget contest. It’s a social media gadget – you can use it to track what’s being said about your site, brand or...

Posted on: Oct 12, 2009

The how-to of EPiServer page providers is covered in a variety of places - the best place to start is EPiServer's white paper on the subject which...