Bjørn Isaksen

Bjørn Isaksen

 Alias: Bjørn Isaksen
 Company: Cintra AS
 Location: Norway

CRP Information

Level: Novice
Total contribution points: 25 (gain 25 points more to level up)

Score Distribution

Syndicated blog - Posted on: Apr 20, 2010

Earlier today we experienced an unwanted behavior using the MultipageProperty. When picking a document on the current site, and navigating to the...

Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 15, 2010

Last week I encountered a scenario while migrating, where I needed to hide a couple of properties from rendering in edit mode under certain...

Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jan 29, 2010

Some days ago we published the first test version of a migrated EPiServer site. Luckily the testing has gone very well and few issues have been...

Syndicated blog - Posted on: Dec 11, 2009

During my current migration project, I came across a property which added a client side confirmation dialog on EPiServer’s “Save”, “Save & View” an...

Syndicated blog - Posted on: Dec 05, 2009

I recently started to migrate a mid sized EPiServer site from 4.62 to 5. In a workshop with bvnetwork they quickly pointed out that the migration...

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