Alexander Haneng
Feb 14, 2012
(0 votes)

EPiImage 2.9 Released

The main feature of this release is the addition of image rotation to EPiImageResizer as well as some important bug fixes.


Image rotation

I am currently working a project where we have thousands of product images. We soon discovered that the graphic design shows the products both standing up and on its side. We where already using EPiImageResizer to resize the product images, so adding this functionality to the control made a lot of sense.




<EPiImage:EPiImageResizer ID="EPiImage" PropertyName="EPiImageProperty"
Rotate="Clockwise" Transformation="ScaleToFit"
Width="200" Height="200" runat="server" />




Important bug fix

The most important bug fix is #276. Due to an error in the XHTML serialization you would loose all images in an EPiImageGalleryProperty if any of the image descriptions or links contained a &. This has now been fixed.


Render empty alt attribute

EPiImageResizer will now create an empty alt attribute on the image tag if no alternative text has been provided. This is in compliance with the HTML 4.01 specification.



To download the latest version of EPiImage visit the EPiCode page.


Posted by

Feb 14, 2012


Jon Espen Kvisler
Jon Espen Kvisler Feb 14, 2012 01:11 PM


Andreas Nylin
Andreas Nylin Sep 13, 2012 05:05 PM

I'm trying to change the VPP for scaled images to "/Images/scaled" since we aren't using the globalfiles folder on the site. After I have added the

and to web.config the images are no longer scaled. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

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