Uninstalling EPiServerMail 4.3
Take the following steps to manually uninstall EPiServerMail 4.3:
1) Remove every table named tblEPiServerMail*
2) Remove every stored procedure named spEPiServerMail*
3) Remove the folder called NetStar/StarCommunity in your site root – but, only if you are removing EPiMail and StarCommunity, or if you only had EPiMail installed.
4) Remove <EPiServer UI>\Mail. Note: <EPiServer UI> is the location of the EPiserverUI folder, which can vary according to installation.
5) Remove from EPiServer.Mail*.dll the bin folder in your site root.
Additional Note) If you don't have StarCommunity on your site, you should also do the following:
1) Remove every table named tblStarSuite*
2) Remove every stored procedure named spStarSuite*
3) Remove the StarSuite*.dll from your bin folder.
Final Note) See the following article for upgrading Mail 4.3 to Mail 4.4http://world.episerver.com/en/Articles/Items/Migrating-StarCommunity-31-to-EPiServer-Community-32/
Disclaimer: Reasonable effort has been made by the author to ensure that the information provided here is accurate, however, no guarantees for the accuracy of information are made. You hold full responsibility for your actions - please remember to make a backup before making any changes.