Apr 1, 2010
(2 votes)

EPiServer 6 – It’s 2010 and we can check our spelling… with a bit of configuration

Further to my previous post, and thank you all for so many views, I now have a solution for enabling the Google spell checker on the tinyMCE editor:

  1. Add the two dlls in the zip below to your project
  2. Copy the required lines from the web.config in the zip to your project’s web.config

Download EPi.Framework.Common.zip from MediaFire

Drop me a comment if your having any trouble and I’ll try to help

Dev’s if you interested in the source I can fire that your way too!

[EDIT: It’s Easter weekend here in the UK so sorry if I don’t respond quickly before Tuesday]

Apr 01, 2010


Sep 21, 2010 10:33 AM

Great work, thanks!

Sep 21, 2010 10:33 AM

Hello Ben

Nice work, Could you publish the Soruce code, or it's possible to set default language to eg. Swedish ?

Sep 21, 2010 10:33 AM

Hi Jorgen

Here is a copy of the source, the languages are managed in the embed .js file in the Scripts directory:


Let me know if you need anything else

Jon Haakon Ariansen
Jon Haakon Ariansen Jan 11, 2011 01:56 PM

Hi Ben,

I tried to implement the spell checker, but I can't see that it is beeing loaded.
I can find Epi.Framework in the plug-in manager, but that's it.
When tracing the page where tinymce is loaded, I cannot f. ex. see that the .js file
is loaded.

Do I need additional configuration to make it work?

In advance thanks for your help! :)

Kind regards,

Jon Haakon

Jon Haakon Ariansen
Jon Haakon Ariansen Jan 11, 2011 04:08 PM

See my post at Episerver Forum:


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