Jonas Bergqvist
Dec 8, 2016
(7 votes)

Exceptions in Find

Episerver Find can be used in many places on a site, like menus, navigations, listings, and searches. One thing that usually are forgotten when using Find is that it’s a service in the “cloud”, where you should handle possible exceptions.


The “ServiceException” is the most important exception that should be handled in every place where Find is used. This exception will be thrown if the service is down, or if there is any other communication problem.

This exception inherits from ApplicationException.


The “ClientException” can be thrown when the query contains errors that is found at runtime. There is also several specific exceptions that inherit from “ClientException”.

This exception inherits from ApplicationException.


The “SelfReferencingLoopException” will be thrown if a circular reference is found at runtime. There can for example exist a “Parent” property on a class, where the class of the parent property has a reference to the current class.

This exception inherits from ClientException.


The “ProjectionException” will be thrown if the projection (Select) is used in the wrong way in the query.

This exception inherits from ClientException.


The “InvalidIndexIdException” will be thrown if the id of the index is null, or over 100 characters.

This exception inherits from ClientException.


The “InvalidDocumentIdException” will be thrown if the id of the document is null, or over 100 characters.

This exception inherits from ClientException.


The “InvalidSearchRequestException” will be thrown if the terms facet has been set to a value less than 0, or higher than 1000.

This exception inherits from ClientException.


Handle “EPiServer.Find.ServiceException” and “EPiServer.Find.ClientException” on all places where a query is created and executed against Find.

Dec 08, 2016


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