K Khan
Oct 15, 2014
(3 votes)

Debugging and Profiling in EPiServer Sites

If you want  to enhance the performance of the application or want to have an eye on performance on your live sites or want to know your application better, I will go for Glimpse. If you are not using Glimpse for debugging and profiling, you are missing a great tool than. It works well with EPiserver 7.5+ projects also perfectly with few configurations.

It provides lots of details about the HTTP request, AJAX requests, deep inspection database interactions, time it took to render this first page, and exactly how much time was spent during each activity, from rendering to action methods to database connections and lots more.

Glimpse is available on Nugets. It is easily Extensible & Configurable. Glimpse is built with HTML, CSS & JS and requires no proprietary browser plugin. It provides hardened Security, so only you get to choose who can see what Glimpse data and when. It is lightweight & fast. Its unique architecture makes it faster and less resource intensive than traditional profilers so you never have to sacrifice performance. Only Glimpse provides diagnostics from the perspective of your server.

Once installed, Glimpse inspects web requests as they happen, providing insights and tooling that reduce debugging time and empower every developer to improve their web applications. Glimpse profiles key server side activities/actions and displays the timing of each in an easy to understand Gantt chart. Glimpse provides complete visibility into ASP.NET MVC's view resolution process, including file access paths. ASP.NET routing is a powerful, and sometimes maddening, feature. Glimpse cracks into the black box and exposes how routes are matched.Know everything necessary about a request's origin server including: timezone, patch version, process ID and pertinent web.config entries. Glimpse provides insights for not only the originating request, but also for AJAX requests, historical requests from the past and even requests made from other users. Glimpse automatically displays trace statements, eliminating the headache of digging through log files. Popular logging frameworks can be integrated with some slight configuration as well.

I hope you are convinced to use glimpse :) (if not using before in your projects).  If you still doubt , play with it http://play.getglimpse.com/

How to Install with EPiServer?

Follow steps given here
We will need some extra configurations to make it working EpiServer 7.5.(My Site is using CMS,Commerce and Find)

<glimpse defaultRuntimePolicy="On" endpointBaseUri="~/Glimpse.axd">
        <add type="Glimpse.AspNet.Tab.Routes, Glimpse.AspNet">
        <add type="Glimpse.AspNet.Inspector.RoutesInspector, Glimpse.AspNet" />
        <add type="Glimpse.Mvc.Inspector.ModelBinderInspector, Glimpse.Mvc4" />
        <add regex=".*/find.*">

Extend Glimpse with an EPiServer Tab

We can add a custom tab also to provide details of any EPiServer content, you can find the example implementation here. http://world.episerver.com/Code/K-Khan-/episerver-tab-for-glimpse/

Oct 15, 2014


Petter Klang
Petter Klang Oct 16, 2014 10:08 AM

Looks sweet. Hope to get some time to try it out soon

Stellan Danald
Stellan Danald Oct 16, 2014 04:16 PM

Nice, I've had this on my "Want-To-Do" list for quite some time! Will try it out today.

Justin Le
Justin Le Oct 20, 2014 03:58 AM

Really nice! Put this on my to-do list today. Thanks a lot!

Deepa Puranik
Deepa Puranik Feb 2, 2021 05:15 AM


How to add the EPiServer tab to the glimpse ?

Can you please help me how to configure tabs for glimpse.

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