K Khan
Oct 6, 2016
(3 votes)

EPi Server Extension for Maxmind GeoLite2

The geographic location database included in Episerver CMS contains geographic information created by MaxMind and is depending on a legacy database GeoLiteCity.Dat. Since from years no further development has been carried out on this provider, even the documentation in itself contains legace information :). Max mind offers now GeoLite2 in mmdb/csv format. 

GeoLite2 databases are free IP geolocation databases comparable to, but less accurate than, MaxMind’s GeoIP2 (Paid version) databases. These are updated on the first Tuesday of each month. MaxMind does not provide official support for the free GeoLite2 databases. If you have questions about the GeoLite2 databases or GeoIP2 APIs, please see stackoverflow’s GeoIP questions and answers. The GeoLite2 City database now includes Accuracy Radius data and works with IPV4 ip addresses.

A plugin will be available that can replace existing geo location provider. EPiServer's Geo Location related Visitor groups are dependent on this.

Code can be reviewed on Git. Any Comments are welcome

After some testing, This will be available on nuget.episerver.com to download. Following settings will change.

<geolocation defaultProvider="maxmind">
        <!--add name="maxmind" type="EPiServer.Personalization.Providers.MaxMind.GeolocationProvider, EPiServer.ApplicationModules" databaseFileName="App_Data\GeoLiteCity.dat" /-->
        <add name="maxmind" type="EPiServer.Extensions.Maxmind.GeoIp.Provider.MaxmindGeoIp2, EPiServer.Extensions.Maxmind.GeoIp" databaseFileName="App_Data\GeoLite2-City.mmdb" />
Oct 06, 2016


nitin anand
nitin anand Oct 17, 2017 10:59 AM

I have an old episerver 7 project where geo location criteria seems to be not working. I m suing GeoLiteCity.dat version in project. Do u have any clue why is this so?

K Khan
K Khan Oct 17, 2017 12:06 PM

I can have a look at the weekend, I did and tested this CMS 9+, but theoretically, it should work with 7 also.


K Khan
K Khan Oct 17, 2017 03:14 PM

You will need probably following settings :)

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