K Khan
Jun 2, 2016
(1 votes)

How to make the most of your website

Althouth a user friendly website, with fresh and engaged contents, easy navigations and high quality images are vital features of a website, but knowing your customers and their behaviours that what they want from your website is equally important to retain customers. Web analytical tools helps businesses, to find out that how they can make most of their website by figuring out, what works and what doesn't on their website and what is return of  their investment. Before selecting a tool, it is important that proper goals (e.g. should viewers download files or visit targeted contents or register for a course or buying the subscription) have been defined as selecting a web analytic tool before setting the goals is an assumption that might not work for your website.

Generally Web analytical tool helps to find out that,

  • What users are looking and searching on your website?
  • Which contents are hero and which contents are zero?
  • What contents have been abandoned by visitors?
  • When, where and when user have stopped its journey before the conversion?
  • Is it an annoying basket and payment system or some compulsory action as registration that users may not want to proceed with.

In these comparisons Google analytics wins most of the time due to the way it helps to track the ROI, internal split testing feature, awesome conversion tracking software, data integration with adsense, and simple reporting.

How EPiServer can help?

“get the right content to the right person at the right time to further boost conversion rates”
Using state-of-the-art technology, Episerver guides visitors – from Google all the way to the actual conversion – and gives you great insight into how your visitors behave and convert.

Image epistrategy.JPG

Increase Organic Traffic: Episerver can turn the search queries into highly relevant landing pages with advanced tagging and faceting technology, setting your content and product information free from rigid site structure. You can quickly create high volumes of landing pages that are consistently updated to reflect the best products or content for any relevant global search term.

Amplify Visitor Engagement: Personalization is about delivering targeted content and adaptive web experiences based on what you know about each visitor. Episerver can help collect and aggregate all of that data to help you build a clearer picture of your customers. Powerful personalisation features helps to deliver the right message to the right customer.
Guided Navigation: Editors can create engaging pages that are tailored to each visitor. Adaptive navigation can amplify the visitors engagement.
Guided Search: EPiServer uses content data to create facets, an amalgamation of content properties such as price, date, category, brand or color. By combining different facets, the platform ensures that first-time visitors can quickly and easily drill into information and make complex selections
Segmentation and behavioural targeting: In EPiServer you can add context as a dimension when creating experiences. This way you can surface tailored information for specific visitor groups, such as those who happen to be within a certain distance from your store.

Boost your Conversion: Engaging the customers is key to boost the conversion.

Integrated Google analytics

On-page analytics allows marketers and content authors to access the right data at the right time, adding insight and context to their content creation process.

Features and advantages of Google Analytics for Episerver

  • See page performance, such as downloads, videos watched and goals completed.
  • Surface any relevant data right on page
  • See acquisition metrics and demographics
  • Visitors behaviors on page
  • Completed goals and events.
  • Discover friction that keeps your visitors from completing a desired goal and proactively adjust your pages for better conversions.
  • Break out segments and optimize the experience by personalization.
  • Predefined analytics best practice guidelines.
  • Configure able dashboard that aggregates site information and exposes cross-channel insights.
  • Group marketing activities into campaigns to gain a complete view of their performance.
  • Visibility of micro- and macro conversions on all your sites.
  • Instant visualization of how your visitors are interacting with your campaigns.


Jun 02, 2016


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