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K Khan
Sep 7, 2018
(1 votes)

Take EPi Forms data outside of the EPi Database

You might not want to store EPiForms data in EPi Database due to GDPR or any other reason. 

I got the help of Azure Logic Apps in my POC for this purpose, where I want to generate a CSV file and upload it on blob storage.

Step 1: Change serialization format in /modules/_protected/EPiServer.Forms/Forms.config

From version 4.3, you can set up the kind of data format used before sending data to a webhook receiver by using serializingObjectUsingNameValueFormat as true or false
set to true (default) will serialize object to {name:"Foo",email:""}
set to false will serialize object to [{key:"name",value:"Foo"},{key:"email", value: ""}, ...]

I used serializingObjectUsingNameValueFormat="false" as I want to generate a csv file and upload it on blob storage. 

Step 2: Design your logic app

Image logicapp.JPG

  • When an HTTP request is received: Creates a webhook where we can post forms data.
  • Create CSV Table: I am receiving data in Key/Value format that I want to change into CSV format first.
  • Create blob: Generate CSV file for further processing

Step 3: Setup Webhook actor and turn Off "Store form submissions

Go to your Form Settings and Turn Off "Store Form submissions" option. Set up a webhook url that was obtained in the previous step.

Sorry developers! no coding is required.

Sep 07, 2018


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