Lee Crowe
Dec 9, 2011
(3 votes)

FilteredPageReference v1.5 Released

My colleague David Knipe asked me yesterday whether it would be possible to add search into the FilteredPageReference page picker dialog as a client had requested it. 

When I initially implemented FPR I decided to remove the search but I have now made it available in v1.5.

v1.5 New Features

  • You can now use the search box when picking pages.  Matched pages will be restricted by allowed page types and must be a descendent of the start page if one has been specified.


This version of FilteredPageReference is dependent on EPiServer CMS 6 R2.  It can be installed from the EPiServer nuget feed or from codeplex.  Usage instructions can be found here.


As always feedback is greatly appreciated. Just twitter me @croweman or send me an email Smile

Dec 09, 2011


Minesh Shah (Netcel)
Minesh Shah (Netcel) Mar 20, 2012 06:36 PM

Hey lee great little proeprty although i am facing a little problem when trying to export the settings i was wondering if you could help in indetifying what the issue is

the error i get is :

2012-03-20 17:25:49,639 [17] ERROR - 10.5.3 Export/import error: Exception: The method or operation is not implemented.[]System.NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented.
at FilteredPageReference.PropertyFilteredPageReferenceSettings.EPiServer.Core.PropertySettings.IPropertySettings.get_Id()
at EPiServer.Enterprise.DynamicDataTransferHandler.HandlepropertySettings(PageTypeCollection pageTypes)
at EPiServer.Enterprise.DynamicDataTransferHandler.PageTypesTransfering(PageTypeCollection pageTypes, Boolean transferPropertySettings)
at EPiServer.Enterprise.DataExporter.NotifyExportHandlers(PageTypeCollection pagetypes)
at EPiServer.Enterprise.DataExporter.ExportRaw()
at EPiServer.Enterprise.DataExporter.Export()

Mar 21, 2012 09:32 AM

Hi Minesh

I have not come across this issue before, probably because I have never exported the page type definitions.

I shall investigate it for you and will hopefully provide a fix.


Mar 22, 2012 02:41 PM

Hi Minesh

I have implemented a fix for the exception you are retrieving. v1.5.3 will be on nuget shortly or can be downloaded from codeplex http://episerverfpr.codeplex.com/releases/view/84698.


niklas.ringdahl@teracom.se May 21, 2012 09:21 PM

Hi Lee! FPR is a great tool, but I ran into an error when using it on a new project:

The file /util/FilteredPageReference/PropertyLinkCollectionFilteredPageReferenceEditControl.ascx was not found

I guess that should be found with some kind of virtual path? Any idea why this didn't work?

I use EPi R2, FPR 1.5.3

Thanks in advance!

May 22, 2012 10:24 AM

Hi Niklas

Depending on the web app setup some of the virtual paths don't work.

The simplest way to resolve this issue is to download the (non embedded resource version) from http://episerverfpr.codeplex.com/releases/view/84698.

You can then add the physical files to your web application, you will also need to reference the new assembly.


niklas.ringdahl@teracom.se May 25, 2012 06:05 PM

Thanks for the tip, Lee!

I will try the non embedded version, do you have any general pointers on why the vpp solution might not work? Maybe a good resource on EpiWorld?

Thanks in advance and have a nice weekend!

- Niklas

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