Lee Crowe
Mar 15, 2012
(0 votes)

ElencySolutions.MultipleProperty v1.4 Released

For those of you who are interested but don’t know what ElencySolutions.MultipleProperty is, please refer to the documentation and various articles listed on codeplex.

I have recently had a couple of requests for some minor new features and during an unusually thorough testing phase I have come across a few bugs which have been fixed in this version.

Release Notes

  • When using list based properties, a copy button can be added to allow an editor to copy an existing item.
  • There are now some configuration settings that can be defined to set defaults for whether the copy property button and copy list item buttons should appear.
  • MultiplePropertyBase is now Serializable
  • There was a bug when using link item collections where the state of the list was not being maintained during post backs which is now fixed.
  • There was a bug when editing a multiple property list with child multiple property lists.  When you edit one then click the add new button, the new item contained child list items from the previously edited item.


The easiest way to install the assembly is by installing it from the EPiServer nuget feed.  But if you are not down with the cool kids you can download it from codeplex.  The assembly is built for EPiServer CMS 6 and onwards.

On the codeplex site you can also find some useful documentation and example code to get you familiar with what the property offers.  The example code is dependent on PageTypeBuilder.

New Configuration settings

There is now a configuration section you can add to your web.config to set some default values for the MultiplePropertyEntityAttribute properties.  The configuration section is not required and when installing via nuget the configuration will be added for you.

  1: <configuration>
  2:   <configSections>
  3:     <section name="elencysolutions.multipleproperty" type="ElencySolutions.MultipleProperty.Configuration.MultiplePropertyConfiguration, ElencySolutions.MultipleProperty"/>
  4:   </configSections>
  5:   <elencysolutions.multipleproperty copyAsNewDefault="true" allowPropertyCopyingDefault="true" />
  6: </configuration

The image below shows a custom image gallery property built using multiple property.



As always feedback is greatly appreciated, if you have any suggestions for new features or changes I am happy to hear them.

Just twitter me @croweman or send me an email Smile

Mar 15, 2012


Chris Hopkins
Chris Hopkins Mar 23, 2012 11:49 AM

This control is probably the most useful for EPiServer I have come across.
One issue we have noticed internally is if we are using a custom MultiplePropertyBase property on a Page, when we export and import that page although the physical data is migrated and are visible in the edit mode, when it comes to rendering to the page the new properties are not visible. Is this something that could be around permissions? One thing to note is if I save and publish the page with the MultipleProperty property everything works again

Mar 23, 2012 12:04 PM

Hi Chris

I have not come across this issue before, mainly because I don't do much exporting/importing.

I have tried to replicate the issue locally in my alloy tech site with no luck. Please feel free to contact me via twitter or email with more details so I can investigate the issue further.



Chris Hopkins
Chris Hopkins Mar 23, 2012 12:32 PM

Twitter didnt have enough comments and couldn't find an email for you on this page? Issue also happens if I update a PageType which has the MultipleProperty property on.

In my test environment I added a new property using PageTypeBuilder, browsed to the page as a user and the data is missing, however in edit mode its there. I'm happy to send you some more details

Mar 23, 2012 12:51 PM

Send me a message on twitter and I will supply you with my email address :o)

Chris Hopkins
Chris Hopkins Mar 26, 2012 12:36 PM

Hi Lee, I popped you a message on twitter about having your email to send you some code, twitter name is @hopsideas. Isolated the issue with the MultipleProperty control, calling DataFactory.Instance.GetChildren(CurrentPage.PageLink) works fine before updating the PageType. After updating a PageType no MultipleProperty based properties are populated on the same call to DataFactory.Instance.GetChildren(CurrentPage.PageLink). Be interested to hear if this is the same for you?

Marie Pauline
Marie Pauline Oct 8, 2014 10:46 PM

I am having a issue after an upgrade I am unable to update or add

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