May 19, 2009
(3 votes)

New Features on EPiServer World!

EPiServer World has been updated today with some new, and hopefully very useful, features for you all.

We have gathered feedback from EPiServer World community users and constantly aim to improve the functionality on the site based on that feedback.

Subscriptions on Forum Topics

If you are a registered member and logged in to the site, you will now be able to subscribe to forum topics that you find interesting. All you need to do is go to the specific topic and click Subscribe. Your subscription will then push e-mails with links to the topics and answers automatically. The e-mails will go to the e-mail address that you use when you sign in to EPiServer World.

If you want to end a subscription, an overview of the topics you have subscribed to can be found on the My Settings page, from where you can easily unsubscribe.


Get Notifications from Your Blog

If you have a blog that is hosted on EPiServer World, you can now receive e-mail notification when someone comments on your blog posts.

To activate the notification, go to the My Settings page and select "Receive an email-notification on my blog posts".


Twitter Notifications on Any Blog

Use the new Twitter notification if you want to follow a specific blog post and the comments posted to it. After creating a Twitter account, go to the My Settings page on EPiServer World and add your Twitter user name. If you are logged in, you can then just select the check box on a blog post to activate the notification service.


New Article Section

We have redesigned the Articles section to make it easier to find interesting articles.

The article list contains more information and you can filter the list of articles based on Most Viewed and Highest Rated. You can also filter the articles by Area of Interest, which we hope will help you find useful information in the Articles section.

Rating on Blogs and Articles

It is now possible to rate both articles and blog items. Take the opportunity to rate the information you read and hopefully find useful. Note that you can only rate blogs that are hosted on EPiServer World.


We have received a number of comments regarding the readability on the site and have therefore increased the font size and line height in general throughout the site.

Bugs and Problems

In addition to the above mentioned items, we have also reviewed the code behind the site in order to improve speed and stability. We have fixed a number of bugs that have been reported by users in the community.

I hope that you all like the changes that have been made, but the EPiServer World Team is far from satisfied! There are still several areas that we want to improve and fix and we are eager to hear your feedback and get started with the next development sprint.

Our site is aimed for you!

May 19, 2009


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