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Jan 24, 2012
(4 votes)

Our first Oracle on World!

I have the pleasure of announcing our first EPiServer World Oracle! Magnus Rahl is the first member to reach this prestigious level of community membership. Magnus is of course a frequent blogger on World and his contributions within the forums are invaluable for other members.

Since Magnus joined EPiServer World, he has made 987 contributions to the community - impressive!

We called Magnus to have a short chat with him.


So Magnus, to become an Oracle on World it requires a lot of time, engagement and knowledge. What drives you?

“Well it is quite easy; I am curious, love problem solving and enjoy helping other fellow developers. I am trying to contribute with my knowledge as I have been developing EPiServer solutions for a number of years now. Sometimes it is also kind of a competition within the forums, to see who can answer a question first and also deliver the right answer. “

“What I appreciate on World, especially within the forums, is that even if it is a simple question posted by an EPiServer rookie developer, no one is answering in a derogatory manner. Most members try to contribute in the best possible way. The same goes for more advanced topics, where the sharing of experiences and discussions on different solutions are invaluable, even if there is no definite answer. “

We congratulate Magnus on his Oracle status and hope that he will find a suitable home for his nice new diploma!

Read Magnus latest blog posts

View Magnus community profile

World Scores for Magnus Rahl


Jan 24, 2012


Jan 24, 2012 02:25 PM

Congratulations Magnus! Well deserved!

Jan 24, 2012 02:34 PM

Maybe we should add higher levels.

Jan 24, 2012 04:04 PM

We are not worthy!

Jan 24, 2012 04:37 PM

Nice! Job well done! :-)

Magnus Rahl
Magnus Rahl Jan 25, 2012 09:55 AM

Thanks guys! And on the same day EPiServer World hits 15 000 members, fantastic!

Greger: It already has more levels, according to my profile the next level is set at hundred billion points or something ;)

Jan 30, 2012 10:02 AM

"Greger: It already has more levels, according to my profile the next level is set at hundred billion points or something ;)"

And I'm sure you'll hit that cap as well ;)
Congrats on a good job!

Stefan Forsberg
Stefan Forsberg Jan 31, 2012 08:08 AM

Well done Magnus!

Hampus Persson
Hampus Persson Jan 31, 2012 05:40 PM

Well done!

Would be interested to know the name of the next level after oracle! It has to be some form of god :)

Feb 20, 2012 12:03 AM


Henrik Mathiesen
Henrik Mathiesen Mar 9, 2012 01:39 PM

Well done!

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