With Opticon around the corner, we'll be canceling this month's (Sept) Happy Hour.

Mari Jørgensen
Oct 7, 2014
(2 votes)

Working with the EPiServer 7.5 Commerce API

With the introduction of EPiServer 7.5, EPiServer Commerce provides a content provider that can serve any catalog content as IContent. This means that it is possible to work with catalog content using the same techniques as working with CMS content.

Read moreand view code samples by visiting the blog post on our company blog:

Oct 07, 2014


Eric Oct 7, 2014 04:32 PM

Nice, but could you please turn of the popup when refering from World ;)

Mari Jørgensen
Mari Jørgensen Oct 7, 2014 05:33 PM

Good point, Eric. I will see if it´s an easy fix for that.

Petter Klang
Petter Klang Oct 8, 2014 10:49 AM

Visitor groups perhaps? ;)

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