May 31, 2010
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E-commerce trends in Denmark

Danes shop online as never before. However, there are still major differences on how the young and older use the Internet as a marketplace. In a recent study by EPiServer in April of this year, with a selection of respondents that represents the Danish population, we found that two-thirds of Danes have never bought so much online as they do now. Some of the other key findings:

37 percent use discussion forums (blogs, chat, ratings, reviews) as a research before purchasing anything online. Of the age group 15-22 year, the figure is as high as 64 percent.

Nearly a third state that they have never used discussion forums as much as they do now.

40 percent value that they get to shop with a Danish shop. 52 percent states that prompt delivery is important. Four out of five said that price is important. One out of ten would like to have online chat service.

Not surprisingly, the younger generationspend a lot of time online before they decide to buy a new TV, theater tickets, clothes or other consumer products. The study shows that two thirds of the population between 15 and 22 years are increasingly using social media such as communities, reviews, ratings and blogs to test a product before the order is placed. The group between 23-35 follow close behind with 50 percent, while only a quarter of the group above 35 years use social media in support of their purchasing decision.

One fifth of the youngest consumers also want to engage in dialogue with companies in the form of an online chat service. The same is true for only 7 percent of those over 35 years.

Global market, but local needs
However, both younger and older people who shop on the Internet. The Danes are in the top compared with other European countries, surpassed only by Norway and Britain.
The study also shows that over 40 percent only shop if the online store is in Danish. I guess it means that despite the fact that consumers are becoming more global, providing localized information in the mother tounge is crucial for a successful online sales channel. This is also supported by a report from the European Commission, which shows that 120 million Europeans shopping online, but only 7 percent of trade takes place across borders.

Based on the findings in the survey, what are some of the things that are required of a successful e-commerce initiative?

Ability to review, assess and / or comment on the products

Online Chat Service

localization and 'cross border' support

Easy, fast check-out process

Good presentation opportunities

Support for social commerce and good connections for social media support

Personalised content is automatically adjusted target

This is just a starting point, the list should probably be longer, so please feel free to share your thoughts.

About the study: 1,074 people aged 18-65 years, answered the questions. Respondents represent age and geographically representative sample of the Danish population.

May 31, 2010


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