Jun 11, 2010
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Code from EPiServer Partner Summit 2010

The code from my presentation and the one together with Per Gunsarfs at the EPiServer Partner Summit 2010 can be downloaded using the links below:

The Dynamic Data Store In Action

Gadgets and MVC

The videos of some of the presentations can be found here.

In order to test and debug these sites you will need to do a few things:

1) Unzip the files to disk

2) Attach the database found in the site’s App_Data folder to SQL Server

3) Add a user to the database with enough privileges to read/write/execute (dbOwner is easiest)

4) Update the “EPiServerDB” connection string in connectionStrings.config with the correct database name and user/password information

5) Create a site and optionally separate application pool in IIS

6) In episerver.config in the <sites><site> section, set the ‘licenseFilePath’ attribute to the path of your license or to empty string if you do not have a license

7) In episerver.config in the <sites><site> section, set the ‘siteUrl’ attribute to match the site you set up in IIS in step 5

8) In episerver.config in the <virtualPath><providers><add> section, set the ‘physicalPath’ attribute to the path where the VPP folder has been unzipped on your disk

If you just want to extract and use the code we wrote in your existing projects then instructions of where the juicy stuff can be found are detailed below:

Dynamic Data Store In Action

In the zip under Sites\PartnerSummit2010\ClientResources




Gadgets and MVC

In the zip under Sites\GadgetDemoSite\Controllers





Feedback and comments are always welcome.

Jun 11, 2010


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