Per Hemmingson
Mar 7, 2008
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Basic Ajax 101 in VS 2008

I just attended the seminar "Building Great AJAX Applications from Scratch Using ASP.NET 3.5 and Visual Studio 2008".

It was a great seminar showing how simple it is how to use Ajax, linq and 3.5 in Visual Studio 2008.

Brad Abrams blog post shows the entire code sample he did which is also available to download. The seminar will also be available in Video at So if you want to learn about new features in 3.5, Ajax, and linq read his blog it is very easy to understand and follow.

He covers new controls in .net 3.5; Listview and Datapager, and also the Ajax controls; UpdatePanel and scriptmanager. And lastly client side JavaScript methods. One new neat thing in VS 2008 is that you can easily debug your JavaScript (about time, and no more alert windows debugging), you simple use sys.debug.trace(.....) which also allows you to set breakpoints.

Read more about it and try yourself ASAP at >

Short example of Listview implementation stolen from Brads blog post, just to give you a hint on how easy it is;


  • Eat more Cake
  • Cheers.

    Mar 07, 2008


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