Per Nergård
Sep 23, 2010
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Quick image select property

I have done a custom version of the ImageUrl property which adds a quicker way of selecting a image after an initial image has been selected.

To bad for me the excellent EPiImage module has been released which makes this one look like dog poo but here it is anyway.

The reason I did this is I think that the episerver filemanager is a bit slow and unfriendly, especially when navigating up and down a folder structure.

I’ve added two buttons to the original property. The first one for removing the selected image and the second displays a vertical scrolling layer displaying a list of all images in the current selected image folder and below. The number in parentheses is the number of images found.

Clicking on a image changes the selected image url. The title for each image displays the virtual path.

Not done yet: I’ve not added language handling of the button texts, the quick select button opens up an empty container even if no images were found.






The code is both viewable and downloadable over at the codesection.

Sep 23, 2010


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