Order tabs with drag and drop - Blazor
I have started to play around a little with Blazor and the best way to learn is to reimplement some old stuff for CMS12.
So I took a look at my old blog posts and decided to redo my plugin for drag and drop sorting of tabs since I still don't like that using the [GroupDefinition] attribute forces you do manage the index order in code. Old blog post here.
My thought with this Blazor component is to have a tools content type with it's own layout which is only for tools and stuff done with Blazor. If feels easier than doing menuproviders or plugins in admin mode.
It's very simple, just a list of the tabs which you can reorder with drang and drop and then save or reset (only currently unsaved order). In the example it's wrapped into another component for a header and navigation but it's not included in the component.
You can find the code and a small readme over at my Gist.