Paypal provider for Commerce R2SP2
The API for PayPal has changed since the release of the provider so you will get an exception when trying to connect to paypal.
This is the error found in the log:
[ERROR] [com.paypal.sdk.exceptions.TransactionException] - The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.
com.paypal.sdk.exceptions.TransactionException: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel. ---> System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation
We havent gotten too many requests around the issue to the support but get one every now and then so wanted to share a few lines how to fix it in case you run into it during your project. The only thing needed is to override the default paypal settings like this.
Add the following to the <configSections> in web.config.
<section name="paypal" type="com.paypal.sdk.core.ConfigSectionHandler, paypal_base"/>
Then add the following <paypal> section and you are good to go.
<environment name="live">
<port name="PayPalAPI"></port>
<port name="PayPalAPIAA"></port>
<port name="PayPalAPI" threetoken="true"></port>
<port name="PayPalAPIAA" threetoken="true"></port>
<environment name="sandbox">
<port name="PayPalAPI"></port>
<port name="PayPalAPIAA"></port>
<port name="PayPalAPI" threetoken="true"></port>
<port name="PayPalAPIAA" threetoken="true"></port>
<environment name="beta-sandbox">
<port name="PayPalAPI"></port>
<port name="PayPalAPIAA"></port>
<port name="PayPalAPI" threetoken="true"></port>
<port name="PayPalAPIAA" threetoken="true"></port>
Simple enough! Thanks Per.