Santosh Achanta
Nov 22, 2012
(1 votes)

Issue with browsing files in browser having special characters in file name and fix

After upgrading one of our very old customer’s website from EPiServer 4.62 to CMS 6 R2, it was reported that documents with special characters in file name (for e.g. ‘S&R12.pdf’) throwing ‘System.Web.HttpException: A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (&).’ when they are being opened up in browser.

Fix for this is issue is to just add requestPathInvalidCharacters="" if you want to allow all special characters.

The above attribute must be added to the element <httpRuntime> in your website’s web.config so that it will look as follows:







        <httpRuntime requestValidationMode="2.0" requestPathInvalidCharacters="" />







If you want to restrict certain special characters then make sure you specify them as requestPathInvalidCharacters="&lt;,&gt;,*,%,:,&amp;,\"

Nov 22, 2012


Nov 22, 2012 08:15 AM

See my blogpost for how to activate validation on filenames in the EPiServer filemanager. I think you don't have this setting since you have upgraded from an EPi 4 site.

Santosh Achanta
Santosh Achanta Jan 17, 2013 10:15 PM

Hi Per, the settings illegalCharactersRegex and illegalCharactersDisplayString doesn't help me with this problem unless I have the setting I have specified in this blog. Also in EPiServer 7 the settings you mentioned are no more valid.

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