Shahid nawaz
Oct 15, 2010
(2 votes)

New license model in EPiServer CMS

Since the release of new license model (earlier this year) a lot has already been written in the form blog(s), article(s) etc but still we are getting questions regarding it and seems that our developers are still struggling with it.

First thing, in new license model, multisite limit has been taken away from the license file which means that if you are using CMS-6, you can only run one license with one site (enterprise). If you want to extend your solution by adding another site to your enterprise solution then you need to have another license file for that site. However there are couples of scenarios (Multiple Enterprise Sites with & without common code base) which are already described in this article.

2ndly, even in partner developer licenses there is no multisite limit anymore meaning that you have to install a new license file for every new site in your development environment. We encourage our developers to use new license model especially when using CMS-6 and above. Since partner developer licenses are for free to our partners and you can get the license file within couple of minutes so add a separate license file for every site in your project.

However if you still think that it’s a bit hectic (which isn’t I would say :)) to add more license files to your development environment than add a comment with your requirements while placing order for developer license or send request to sales at episerver dot com.

Oct 15, 2010


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