Payment providers with abstraction apis (10.5.0 – 2017)
Episerver Commerce released payment providers packages in 10.5.0 (include PayPal, DIBS, DataCash). Those packages are available for downloading and installation document are under Commerce Payment providers sample section.
This is the main changes in this packages:
Payment providers use abstraction apis
The payment gateway now use abstraction apis - that support both Legacy carts and Serializable carts.
Pretify payment providers sample code and testable
The payment gateway has over 1200 lines of code before, now it was separted to smaller class for better readable and testable.
Payment providers are testable
Most of function in payment project are testable now. Adding test project to payment solution to see how it worked.
Those payment provider packages use MVC from now on. With MVC, the steps to deploy a payment provider to website much easier than before.
Images for payment page type
DIBS: new responsive payment UI
DIBS API provide a new layout for responsive payment page.
And in our DIBS payment project, we're using simplest way
requestPaymentData.Add("decorator", "responsive");
That tells DIBS that we use responsive page.