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Ha Bui
Apr 12, 2018
(5 votes)

Duplicate language versions after import

When I work with EPiSerser Commerce's import catalog I have an issue after import catalog successfully like:

Image issue1.JPG

After 3 hours investigate I found down that is by:

Default catalog language is: en-gb but the available languages are: en-GB. That because of this EPiSErver function VerifyLanguageSetup also call Distinct but without CurrentCultureIgnoreCase.

Apr 12, 2018


Dang Viet Hung
Dang Viet Hung Apr 12, 2018 05:24 AM

Awesome, this article help my team and save our time a lot. Thanks Ha Bui.

However, could you show me how we can fix this?

Ha Bui
Ha Bui Apr 12, 2018 05:26 AM

Hi @Hung,

The easiest way to fix this is set your catalog default language with lowercase:

CatalogsCatalog.defaultLanguage = "en-gb";

Hope that help!

Ha Bui

Quan Pham
Quan Pham Apr 12, 2018 05:27 AM

Hello, A good point! I am also looking for the fix. Please advice.

Dang Viet Hung
Dang Viet Hung Apr 12, 2018 05:28 AM

Great! Thank for quick answer :)

Quan Mai
Quan Mai Apr 12, 2018 11:00 AM

I'll file a bug for this. Thanks for letting us know

Ha Bui
Ha Bui Apr 23, 2018 09:53 AM

Great help! Thank @Quan

Quan Mai
Quan Mai May 8, 2018 03:59 PM

The said bug (COM-6908) has been fixed and will be released in Commerce 12.2 

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