Bien Nguyen
Sep 14, 2017
(5 votes)

Payment providers source code are now available on GitHub

The source code for payment providers, including PayPal, DIBS, DataCash have been released to GitHub. These projects were upgraded to work with latest version of Commerce (11.2.2) and other components, that contains a few fixes and refactoring. They're now open-source and you might be great contributors :). We'll continue to update them. It means that we'll do continuous releases for them but they might be updated less frequently (than Commerce packages). It also means that we won't provide source code packages for those projects (.zip files) from the release 11.2.2. If you need the source codes, you can download from GitHub. 

So now with the /nSoftware payment gateways, which has been available on GitHub from about 1 year, we have now 4 payment provider projects on GitHub. Please visit the repository on GitHub for more detail.

All documentation related to installation/configuration are still on EPi World.

Sep 14, 2017


Frederik Vig
Frederik Vig Sep 15, 2017 03:16 PM

Could you also add the gateway source code? Thanks.

Quan Mai
Quan Mai Sep 16, 2017 11:09 AM

@Frederik: We haven't released source code yet, so it's not part of the moving to to Github this time. But we will look into this and that might happen in the future.

Frederik Vig
Frederik Vig Sep 16, 2017 04:11 PM

@Quan - thanks, for us it would be very useful, since we've had to do some modifications in order to integrate with a fraud detection service (and we're always happy to do PRs to support and improve it).

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