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Jill Grozalsky
Sep 20, 2018
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Thought Starters for B2B Personalization

The overarching concept of personalization is to improve the customer experience on a site by utilizing information to present unique content that’s specific to each individual site visitor’s needs.

That being said, when it comes to personalization, there are two distinct types of personalization and ways to deliver personalized content:

Explicit personalization: When a visitor’s profile or specific actions dictate the personalized content that is delivered.

Implicit Personalization: When a visitor’s behavior and content consumed informs the personalized content that is delivered.

While both types of personalization are powerful, for those B2B organizations just starting out, explicit personalization is a great way to get your toes wet and demonstrate the impact personalization has on the customer experience and is straightforward to execute with Epi.

One simple way to start with personalization is to think about whether you know something unique about your customer, do you want to show them different content or a different message?

If the answer to the above is yes, then BOOM, you have personalization.

To break it down to get more specific and actionable personalization rules, you can start to play some fill in the blank

If I know a user’s_______________, I want to show them ______________

So for B2B organizations getting started with explicit personalization, where should you begin? Below are some thought starters for you. 

  • Conversion-based personalization is great because it helps you progress users through their journey. There’s no need to waste valuable website real estate promoting an action that a user has already completed. So go ahead, swap out content and CTA language to promote the next action you want users to take. 
  • Location-based personalization is powerful because it makes a business feel more accessible by promoting offices, team members, events or work that has been done in a location that is near the site visitor. 
  • Time-based personalization is great, especially for B2B organizations, as the sales cycle can range from immediate to more than a year, with multiple site visits and touch points along the way. Delivering fresh content based on a visitor’s last visit timeframe ensures the visitor feels recognized, sees fresh content that you want to promote while still feeling they can pick up where they left off during their previous visit. 

Obviously, that’s just a taste of some of the types of explicit personalization B2B organizations can use, but hopefully that gets the gears turning. With use of other Epi functionality including Advance (content suggestions), Perform (for product recommendations). and Find (search), your personalization will become more automated overtime, but getting started with some ad-hoc perosnalization will help you mature into some of those more robust and smart features Epi has to offer.

Sep 20, 2018


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