How to make Find 13.x play nice with Find on-premise
If you are using Find (Search & Navigation) 13.x or later with an index located on a Find on-premise instance you need to do the following to achieve full compatibility.
This is not applicable to any solution where you're using an index hosted by EPiServer.
1. If you are on 13.0.5 or later you need to make sure you upgrade to at least 13.2.4 and add useLegacySorting=true to your episerver.find config element to be
able to use the Elastic Search sorting functionality to it's full extent.
<episerver.find serviceurl="..." useLegacySorting="true" ... >
2. With Find 13 language routing was introduced. This is not available on Find on-premise therefor you should disable it.
Disable Language Routing support via LanguageRoutingFactory.
public class MyFindInitializationModule : IConfigurableModule
public void Initialize(InitializationEngine context)
public void Uninitialize(InitializationEngine context)
public void ConfigureContainer(ServiceConfigurationContext context)
context.Services.AddSingleton<LanguageRoutingFactory, MyLanguageRoutingFactory>();
public class MyLanguageRoutingFactory : LanguageRoutingFactory
public override LanguageRouting CreateLanguageRouting(ILocale locale)
return null;
Nice update, but this should be added to the documentation, if not already in place. I can see it mentioned in the release notes (added after the release):
I had to figure it out the hard way...
Hi @Tomas, You are correct and I have relayed this information to the documentation team at the same time as I wrote the blog post.