Episerver Developer Meetup Sydney July 10th 2019
I'm excited to announce I'll be speaking at the Episerver Developer Meetup in Sydney on Wednesday, July 10th 2019.
I'm going to be talking about;
- Blazor - https://dotnet.microsoft.com/apps/aspnet/web-apps/client
- Azure Cognitive Services / Computer Vision Add-On - https://world.episerver.com/blogs/darren-s/dates/2019/3/using-ai-to-analyze-images-and-generate-metadata/
Damian Dias will talk about Commerce and CMS Certifications best practices.
Nicola Ayan will talk about Episerver Find and share lessons learned from recent projects.
Marcus Babajews will give a short update on Episerver Campaign.
Really excited to see the contetn!