The Developer Marketing Team of Optimizely
Jun 2, 2022
(1 votes)

What's next for NA & EMEA Happy Hour in June

Optimizely's NA and EMEA Happy Hour topics are not easily forgotten! Talks about customizing UI visitor groups and becoming a sports agent, along with topics on edge computing and cat cafes created great anticipation for the next Happy Hours to come. Who knows what we will discuss next? Maybe we will discuss Optimizely's integration with Welcome and pickle ball, or even GraphQL and anime. Whatever the topics, you don't want to miss it! 

For this month's NA Happy Hour, we will have one of our favorites Scott Reed, who will be presenting on June 24th AT 3:30pm EST. If you know anything about Scott's presentations, he never disappoints when it comes to reliable content for learning. We will also have the privilege of hearing from IT Web Developer Manager Kenny Gutierrez of Centuries Communities, Inc. Kenny manages a site with more than one million visitors each month and will share his expertise in working with client-side and well as server-side technologies. So much to learn this month, all while enjoying your favorite beverage.

At the EMEA Happy Hour which will be held at 3:30pm CET on June 24th, we have the opportunity to hear from Technical Director Ibrar Hussain, and Lead Developer Mark Stott of twentysix Digital, one of Optimizely's Platinum partners. As an innovator, Mark will be presenting on some new packages that he created using Optimizely's products. Ibrar strives to share more about twentysix Digital's strategy to expand business in the Northern England and EMEA areas. Don't miss these great presentations!

As you can see the line up for this month's Happy Hour is very strong and we are hoping to see more of you in both NA as well as EMEA Happy Hours! Share this information and invite your colleagues and friends to join us for a drink, a kahoot game, and some interesting technical topics. The technical community is full of devleopers and strategists who would like to connect with like-minded professionals such as yourself. It goes without saying that the more technical professionals we can reach, the better the engagement and excitement will be. Whatever you do, don't forget to BYOB and come ready to enjoy our famous Kahoot game at the end of each session! See you at 3:30pm EST or CET on the 24th!

RSVP for the EMEA Happy Hour and the NA Happy Hour. For more information on upcoming events, visit our Events page.

Jun 02, 2022


Antti Alasvuo
Antti Alasvuo Jun 4, 2022 08:19 AM

Are you absolutely sure about the EMEA date is good? June 24th is the eve of midsummer (partyyyyy! ;P). It can also be a paid day off in some countries/dependingin on the collective bargaining.

The Developer Marketing Team of Optimizely

Hi Antti! Midsummer sounds like it will lots of fun! Our EMEA speakers ensured us that this would be a great weekend to have the event. Of course, we know that not everyone can make the event on this date, however we hope that you can invite your colleagues and join us for an hour and a half to chat with these awesome speakers and learn something new. Maybe Optimizely can help to get you and our other technologists in the EMEA region off to a good midsummer start! Looking forward to seeing you there.

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