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Filip Gondek
Feb 8, 2018
(4 votes)

Site license FAQ

We get questions about how we define a site from partners and customers and when a new site license will be needed. In this blog I will explain when you need to have a new site license added. Observe that I will only write about site license scenarios not instances.

So when do I have to have a new site license or not?

These are the most common scenarios that we get asked about:

I want to create a landing page under the main structure of the site but I want to link “” to that page, is this under the same license?

The answer to that question is YES. If you make a link from the DNS provider to a page under the structure this goes under the same site license. Linking from “” to ““ goes under the same license. Just to keep in mind, building landing pages or sub-sites can quickly create large number of pages in the structure.

I want a new domain/sub domain pointing directly to a new structure under the root node, is that a new license?

The answer is YES, this scenario will require a new site license. In this scenario you want to have “” or “” as a new “house” and own structure in Episerver. This can be managed directly in Episerver under the “admin —> manage web sites” tab.

Image Screen Shot 2018-01-24 at 11.13.25.png         Image Screen Shot 2018-01-24 at 11.17.39.png  
(The picture above shows 3 sites)                     (Having two "houses" means two site licences)

I want to have the same domain but I want to link the domain to a certain language such as “” and “” that links to the Swedish version of the site, does this require a new license?

NO, this does not require a new site license. In Episerver you can manage and add country specific domains pointing to a specific language version of the site as shown in the picture below. So domains like “” pointing to the Swedish version of “” is included under the same license.

Image sites.png
(In this image all the domains will point to the same site but under a different language version of the site.)

I want to have different domains pointing to the same site structure?

This is also allowed under the same site license and can also be managed in Episerver under “Admin —> Config —> Manage websites” . As long as the domains are pointing to the same site.

(as seen in the pictures below you can have different domains pointing to the same site structure)

Image Screen Shot 2018-01-24 at 11.34.55.pngImage Screen Shot 2018-01-24 at 11.33.34.pngImage Screen Shot 2018-01-24 at 11.32.15.png

Just to summarize the above. If some of these scenarios were all clear to you then you dont have to worry smile. If you felt unsure, maybe any of these scenarios above will make it clearer for you 

Feb 08, 2018


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